The Easiest Hairdo // The Best Scrunchie of My Life

I've been wearing scrunchies.  

Don't judge me.  It's been prescribed by my hair stylist.  

Even I can't really pretend the majority of scrunchies are cool.  I legitimately wear socks with my Birkenstocks sometimes, but scrunchies have gone too far.



The Scrunchie

I'll reveal my super fly scrunchie later (Marie and I have matching ones) but holy smokes, I'm madly in love with this one from Club Monaco.  I'm going back and buying them all.  


The Hairdo

So here's how to get this amazing hairdo.  Pull hair into pony, put through the scrunchie once, bows up.  Pull through again but don't pull it all the way through, fluff the bows.  Fan it out.


Yes, this is the half pony bun.  I think because I fanned it out and used the scrunchie it looks fancy.

You are welcome.

also trust me, it's not just the black and white edit that makes me look like a super fly 1960s mega babe.  

it's the scrunchie